Cherry Bridge House Concerts Past Seasons


 2019 Season

Miles & Mafale - 4/12/19   

Windbourne - 6/7/19

Kate Callahan - 9/20/19

Partington & Sweeney - 11/1/19


2018 Season 

Davey O.  - 4/6/18

Susie Burke & David Surette.  - 6/8/18

Kerri Powers.  - 9/21/18

Jaeger & Reid  - 11/2/18


2017 Season

 Carolann Solebello - 3/31/17

 Martin Grosswendt & Susanne Salem-Schatz - 6/9/17

 Grace Morrison - 9/22/17

 Hungrytown - 11/3/17


2016 Season

Lydia & Phil - 4/1/16

Matt Borello - 6/10/16

Mark Mandeville & Raianne Richards - 9/9/16

The Rafters - 11/4/16


2015 Season

Tom Smith - 3/13/15

Colette O'Connor- 6/12/15

Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli- 9/11/15

Dan Frechette and Laurel Thomsen - 11/6/15


2014 Season

Tom Irving - 6/13/14

Jim Palana 9/12/14

Bill Motte - 12/12/14


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